However, while celebrating their respective successes they must not forget that it cant get easier than this. It seems all are desperate to hang on to anyone who even makes a feeble attempt to take on the iPhone. Remember the initial euphoria surrounding the Palm Pre, which sounded quite similar to one currently surrounding the Droid. Though the euphoria sounds a bit more credible as it backed by the muscle of Google.
All smart phone manufacturers are operating in a space which is either dominated by the iPhone or filled with passive participants, a bleeding competitor or a niche player
Passive Participants:-
- Too passive to be called competitors
- Nokia the global market leader can at best be decribed as a passive participant in the smartphone segment.
- Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG are associated more with feature phones than with smartphones.
- Palm has been bleeding since the past many quarters. Its ability to compete in the long run is questionable
- Motorola too would have been a question mark had it not been for the Droid.
- RIM with its Blackberry is solid in its own niche but not strong enough to take on the iPhone
Microsoft's Windows Mobile 7 could have presented an another viable alternate to the iPhone but then the Windows Mobile 7 launch slated for Q3-10, not accounting for any delays gives an easy ride to Android for the next 12 months.
Will Win Mo regain ground lost to the Android in the next 12 months remains to be seen